

What is CoinMerge?

CoinMerge is a web-app where you can view all of your cryptocurrency assets from Coinbase, Gemini, and Ledger Live in one place. CoinMerge acts as a centralized portfolio, gathering data from your other portfolios in order to know how much of an asset you have across all of your accounts. In the cryptocurrency universe, it is common to transfer your assets across different accounts; some users buy their coin on exchanges like Coinbase or Gemini, and then transfer those assets to a hard wallet like Ledger. With that being said, it can be tedious to know how much Bitcoin you have in total if you have to hop around three different accounts every time you’re curious. With CoinMerge, the allocation is done for you.

How does CoinMerge work?

CoinMerge utilizes standard REST API’s from Coinbase and Gemini, as well as the operations history CSV from Ledger Live. When the user submits their API Key and API Secret from Coinbase and or Gemini, the backend makes API calls to the respective exchange’s REST API to gather data on their assets. The real-time price of an asset is gathered using the CoinMarketCap API. Coinbase offers an API call that gathers the real-time price of an asset, but Gemini does not. Therefore, the CoinMarketCap API was used to gather the real-time prices for scalability. The frontend is hosted using Netlify and the backend is hosted using Render.

Design Decisions

Complication with Ledger Live

As Ledger’s hardware acts as a cold wallet, the device only holds your private transaction keys and nothing else; your Ledger device doesn’t have a ‘centralized account’ where you can view all of your assets virtually. Therefore, the only way to view your Ledger assets in code is through parsing the Operations History CSV. Unfortunately, the CSV only tracks transactions done on a single device, so if you connect your Ledger wallet to a different device and import your crypto then you wouldn’t be able to see the transactions made on that device through a single CSV. The only other option to view your Ledger assets virtually would be to grab your public transaction keys for your assets from Ledger and then view those transactions on the blockchain, but the work to grab a user’s public transaction keys would not be worth the effort for this web-app. Ledger offers a JavaScript API, but that API cannot be utilized for this program because that API is meant to connect a DAPP to Ledger Live, and there is no way to gather a user’s balances from that API.

Other Complications

The best way to centralize the assets across Coinbase and Gemini was to use API keys that utilizes the respective exchange’s REST APIs. As of the creation of this program, Gemini only offers one REST API, and Coinbase offers multiple REST APIs, including a Sign In with Coinbase API. The Sign In with Coinbase API would allow a user to sign into the program with their Coinbase account, but that API does not obtain the balances of cryptocurrency assets in that user’s account, probably for security reasons.


As stated above, it is common to transfer your assets across different accounts; some users buy their coin on exchanges like Coinbase or Gemini, and then transfer those assets to a hard wallet like Ledger. In certain US states, there are regulations on which states can buy and can’t buy certain coins. Also, some exchanges are capable of trading a certain coin, while another exchange are not (For example, ENJIN coin was not capable of being purchased on Coinbase, but it was capable of being purchased on Gemini). Switching between wallets to view your assets can be very tedious, and for investors, doing the math on how much of $USD you have invested in total into crypto is an important value to know. This program takes care of all of that for you.